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"The Bird's Song"

Hello and Welcome!

    My name is Linda Jean Santiago and I am the author of book "The Bird Song." For everyone who read my book I would love your feed back and true opinions on the book. I created this site so people can actually contact me and get to know more about my personality and add any more ideas or comments. I also would like to give more details on my book and give you a preview of what my book is about. Along with the details would be my contact info so anyone that wants to contact me or also to order a book and set up a book signing you can contact me through e-mail, mail or even through telephone. I am also working on more books even though this is my first one I really enjoyed writing this book!

About the Author:

 My name is Linda Jean Santiago, I reside in  a small town called Quinton, New Jersey. I enjoy writing books as well as poetry and I also have a few poems published they are called, "Amareliz," "The Child Inside," and "My Heart Your Heart." I used to work in a library and I drove a book mobile. I also worked in a bank for many years I have two daughters and two grand children. When I was in high school one of my teachers told me that I would be a good author one day and I will write good books!

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