About the Book

The year was 1935 and it was a rough time for many American families. The Phillips family had their share of problems beginning when Anna bore a son who weighed around three pounds at birth. Anna put him in a cigar box and nurtured her newborn son whom she called Tom. He became one of seven children born to Anna and Floyd. As they struggle to make it through the 30's and into World War II, we see a family kept together by lots of love and strong values. They make the move from Pennsylvania to New Jersey where the family thrives despite the challenges of the times. Tom, the tiny, little boy, ultimately becomes a man who goes through many triumphs and tribulations of his own. Tom left behind a legacy and memories that will last a lifetime.

     The Poem Written By Tom Phillips:

  "The First  Orchestra"

 In the beginning of the very first day you would see the trees start to swing and sway. One by one by each bird took it's place. They landed on the limbs in style and grace. Each one as they landed would make a sound, all birds, joined in even the ones on the ground, all the bird's tooted different the way they dressed  they had different sound always did their best. One by one they started a tune, you couldn't tell what they were playing it was to soon. As I looked around the last ones flew in some landed on the trees and some on the ground one by one they started their favorite sounds, the birds in the trees all the ones on the ground to say the Orchestra was playing was the greatest thing t hear, they want all of us to live together and never be in fear. The next time you see birds on the ground or in a tree, you know they started the orchestra just for you and me, all the birds become quiet and I didn't know why they were looking up to the Director in the sky.





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